This Blog made by Celestial a.k.a Choi Hee Chan. This BLOG is about anything about Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) oppa ^ ^. Hehe ^ ^;;. And If you want to take out a news or anything from here, please TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS!. -ceL-

Read This First <3 [EDITED AT 2009.07.26]

Anyong,Hi5 Emoticon
Naneun Choi Hee Chan a.k.a ceL imnida.
. Please if you want to take out news or Super Junior's cy update, take out with full credits :]
. Or just wrote TAKKEN FROM.. {please, put the credits ya ^ ^, not funny if you don't put the credits T^T}
. Don't HOT LINK!
. Please credits ; or link back[or, hee chan@superlovelyday *!!!! ^ ^!!!!*] <3

P.S: This blog really need your comment, so please give u'r comment. ^ ^
I think, just it, te, hihihi :]

... new update ...
hihihi ^ ^
Please visit or join us at;

Always Eunhyuk Indo


The first SHINeeELF world~
SHINeeELF world

and visit my cyworld~
::my cy::

I made a new blog ^ ^
Please visit <3
need a little time :]

... gomawoo ...

!! Please participate! !!


The 1st gath CassiELF's world Indonesia

We are from CassiELF's world , proudly present ..
The 1st gath CassiELF's world Indonesia !

Place :

Juststeak Cafe n Resto , mahakam , kebayoran

Baru Jakarta selatan

dket Hotel Grand Mahakam

8th march '09
HTM 85rb , include :
* awesome goodies
* lunch
* more gifts , if u win d games !

It's so fun ! So lets join us and 'show our love to them' !

Inti acaranya yg pasti bakal:
-ngumpul2 bareng
-nonton bareng
-singing and dance competition(yg ni masih dlm tahap rencana).dll
Dresscodeny 'look a like , who's member are u?'
So,buat cingue2 yg ada dijakarta klo tertarik dimohon partisipasinya ya,yg diluar jakarta juga,klo bisa dateng aja.


bagi kalian yang merasa memiliki talenta dan pengen unjuk bakat , ini saatnya !

"Singing n Dancing Competition for Cassielf"

1.Singing competition.
* lagunya harus lagu suju ato DBSK .
* harus instrumental , kita cuma nyediain instrumental lagu : endless moment , U , lovely days , rokkugo, O , mirotic , loving you , yohaengeul ttonayo , n under the sea. kalo kalian mau nyanyi lagu lain , pake instrumental sendiri .
* biaya pendaftaran :
- solo : 10.000
- grup : 15.000 (max. 3 org)

2.Dance Competition.
* lagunya harus lagu suju ato DBSK . di remix juga boleh .
* durasi min.3 menit . max. 7 menit .
*untuk kostum, kita harap kalian tetep pake baju sesuai tema gath kita . karena di kompetisi ini kita tidak mengutamakan look dari grup kalian .
*penjurian : Jurinya adalah anak b-boy yg uda pernah tampil d korea,Dan kebetulan uda pernah ketemu SUPER JUNIOR !!
* biaya pendaftaran :
- grup (min.3/max.5) : 50.000

cr: Ziuzia@forsuju13

bagi yg mau tw lebih lanjut...
langsung ke: ^_____^

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... Let's Dance !! ...