This Blog made by Celestial a.k.a Choi Hee Chan. This BLOG is about anything about Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) oppa ^ ^. Hehe ^ ^;;. And If you want to take out a news or anything from here, please TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS!. -ceL-

Read This First <3 [EDITED AT 2009.07.26]

Anyong,Hi5 Emoticon
Naneun Choi Hee Chan a.k.a ceL imnida.
. Please if you want to take out news or Super Junior's cy update, take out with full credits :]
. Or just wrote TAKKEN FROM.. {please, put the credits ya ^ ^, not funny if you don't put the credits T^T}
. Don't HOT LINK!
. Please credits ; or link back[or, hee chan@superlovelyday *!!!! ^ ^!!!!*] <3

P.S: This blog really need your comment, so please give u'r comment. ^ ^
I think, just it, te, hihihi :]

... new update ...
hihihi ^ ^
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Always Eunhyuk Indo


The first SHINeeELF world~
SHINeeELF world

and visit my cyworld~
::my cy::

I made a new blog ^ ^
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need a little time :]

... gomawoo ...

!! Please participate! !!


[TWT] Shindong's twitter update 2010.03.22

말레이시아가따가 지금막 한국도착!!!!^^ 유후..^^ 고생하셧급습니다
6:50AM KST via Tweetie

Just arrived at Korea from Malaysia!!!! ^^ yay..^^ good job everyone


말레이시아공연 아주 좋았어요 행복했습니다^^ 난 이제 아이들과의 약속을 지키러 뽀뽀뽀 동그리동 으로 변신!! 얍얍 ㅎㅎ 뽀뽀뽀 하러가잡….^^ㅎㅎ
7:16AM KST via Tweetie

Malaysia concert was really good. I was really happy ^^ Now I’m changing to DongGriDong to keep the promise with the kids~ going to BboBboBbo!! Yay yay ㅎㅎ Let’s go doboBboBbo… ^^ ㅎㅎ


@ShinsFriends 뱅기타고 오시느라 고생많으셨어요 /via @bluecat1106 갠적으로 말레이시나 항공 너무 불편하네요 !!ㅠㅠ 그리고 인천공항 마지막 출구나올때 세관신고서 받으시는분….반말하지맙시다..”천천히! 멈춰! 가! ” ㅡㅡ
7:43AM KST via Tweetie

@ShinsFriends Must have been hard on you to be on plane~ /via @bluecat1106 Personally feel that Malaysian airline is uncomfortable!! ㅠㅠ And the person at the customs, let’s not use banmal*.. “Slow down! Stop! Go!” ㅡㅡ

* impolite to say to someone you’ve seen for the first time

Source: Shindong's Twitter
English Translation: Chrissy @

May take out with proper credits and without editing

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