This Blog made by Celestial a.k.a Choi Hee Chan. This BLOG is about anything about Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) oppa ^ ^. Hehe ^ ^;;. And If you want to take out a news or anything from here, please TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS!. -ceL-

Read This First <3 [EDITED AT 2009.07.26]

Anyong,Hi5 Emoticon
Naneun Choi Hee Chan a.k.a ceL imnida.
. Please if you want to take out news or Super Junior's cy update, take out with full credits :]
. Or just wrote TAKKEN FROM.. {please, put the credits ya ^ ^, not funny if you don't put the credits T^T}
. Don't HOT LINK!
. Please credits ; or link back[or, hee chan@superlovelyday *!!!! ^ ^!!!!*] <3

P.S: This blog really need your comment, so please give u'r comment. ^ ^
I think, just it, te, hihihi :]

... new update ...
hihihi ^ ^
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Always Eunhyuk Indo


The first SHINeeELF world~
SHINeeELF world

and visit my cyworld~
::my cy::

I made a new blog ^ ^
Please visit <3
need a little time :]

... gomawoo ...

!! Please participate! !!


Heechul’s String of April Fool’s Cyworld Updates 2009.04.01 (I)

April 1, 2009

This fella.. has gone mad XD

He changed his minihompy layout to SNSD.. His sidebar avatar to SNSD’s Jessica, closed his photo albums and changed them to ‘소녀시대/SoNyeoShiDae’ HAHAH.

Lol.. There are too many of them so I guess I will split them up into a couple of parts..

His minihompy title is now:

Right Now is SoNyeoShiDae

In the folder ‘소녀시대/SoNyeoShiDae’..

Heechul’s Cyworld Entry 2009.04.01 10:09

싴 누 나 임/Sik Nuna-im

김희철 2009.04.01 10:04










My Devil & My Uncles.. My Moonshine~ Uh Uh Let’s Go!!


This is Sergeant Sik Nuna-im who is in charge of the part above

There are news of her getting out of the army warm-heartedly spreading about

















Ah.. Shindongie’s April Fool joke was hard to resist..(-┏)***



Heechul’s Cyworld Entry 2009.04.01 09:59

유 뤼 누 나 임/Yu Rwi Nuna-im

김희철 2009.04.01 09:59

If will hurt if you say it again

(In a strong storm, because she is a black mountain goat that’s why it’s black)

Dammit.. It’s April Fool’s Day but no one is fooled**..*

N.B* Highlight over the parts beside the red asterisk to see what Heechul wrote in white font colour^^
Credits; OnlyHeechul, OnlySJ13 +

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