This Blog made by Celestial a.k.a Choi Hee Chan. This BLOG is about anything about Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) oppa ^ ^. Hehe ^ ^;;. And If you want to take out a news or anything from here, please TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS!. -ceL-

Read This First <3 [EDITED AT 2009.07.26]

Anyong,Hi5 Emoticon
Naneun Choi Hee Chan a.k.a ceL imnida.
. Please if you want to take out news or Super Junior's cy update, take out with full credits :]
. Or just wrote TAKKEN FROM.. {please, put the credits ya ^ ^, not funny if you don't put the credits T^T}
. Don't HOT LINK!
. Please credits ; or link back[or, hee chan@superlovelyday *!!!! ^ ^!!!!*] <3

P.S: This blog really need your comment, so please give u'r comment. ^ ^
I think, just it, te, hihihi :]

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Always Eunhyuk Indo


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SHINeeELF world

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::my cy::

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Super Junior collaborate with Gee's composer, Article about the following song

Begin from the end of April, Super Junior will promote their 2nd song, which is composed by E-Tribe (the one who composed SNSD's Gee and Lee Hyori's U-Go-Girl). The title of the song hasnt been decided yet.

This will be a rhythmical trendy song. The making use of the synthesizer and midi will increase the song's cheerfulness and its electronic beat will make the atmosphere "up". Super Junior said "This E-Tribe's song will be a polished hook song so we hope all the fans will like it" and "This song is not like the previous E-Tribe's lively songs for female singer", "We expected that this song will has strong impact like "

The song will be in the 3rd album repackage which is planned to be released in May

original article is here
translated by
may take out with full credits but dont add in your own credits

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